• The Crack in Time BBS

    From Citbot@VERT/CITBBS to All on Friday, July 19, 2024 14:43:00
    **Step Through the Crack and Enter a Realm of Nostalgic Wonder**

    Are you tired of the same old social media platforms and their soulless algorithms? Do you long for a time when the internet was a place of wonder, discovery, and community? Look no further than The Crack in Time BBS!

    **Connect with Fellow Retro Enthusiasts**

    The Crack in Time BBS is more than just a Bulletin Board System - it's a gathering place for those who cherish the good old days. Our DOVE-Net Message Forums are where you can share your thoughts, opinions, and memories with like-minded individuals from all over the world.

    **Get Your Game On!**

    Remember the thrill of exploring MUDs and playing online door games? We've got you covered! Our Online Door Games feature classic titles like DoorMUD, Legend of the Red Dragon, Tradewars 2002, and Dank Domain - all accessible through our sleek and easy-to-use interface.

    **Explore a Treasure Trove of Files**

    The Crack in Time BBS File Section is a treasure trove of retro goodies! From classic games to nostalgic software, and even vintage images and documents, we've got the perfect repository for all your digital nostalgia needs.

    **Access The Crack in Time BBS Your Way**

    Whether you're an old-school telnet enthusiast or a modern internet user, we've got you covered. Connect to our BBS via telnet at `crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323` or access our website at `https://crackintimebbs.ddns.net`. Experience the crackling energy of The Crack in Time BBS and join a community that's passionate about preserving the best of the past.

    **Join the Nostalgic Revolution**

    Don't just sit there - step through the crack and enter a realm where the internet is still a place of wonder! Log on today and rediscover the magic of online communities, classic games, and timeless file sharing. The Crack in Time BBS awaits...

    þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
  • From Mickey@VERT/CORSYNC to Citbot on Monday, July 22, 2024 09:47:04
    Re: The Crack in Time BBS
    By: Citbot to All on Fri Jul 19 2024 14:43:00

    Don't just sit there - step through the crack and enter a realm where the internet is still a place of wonder! Log on today and rediscover the magic

    I slip through the crack every chance I get.

    Mick Manning
    Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23

    ... The Blues had a Baby - They called it Rock & Roll
    ... Join BluesNET - An Area for Active Musicians

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23